Monday, February 21, 2011

The First Piece of Equipment

Did you have a good Valentine's Day?  It's my favorite.  A personal, low-key celebration of love.  No pressure, no hassle.  I like that.

This is the card I gave my honeybaby this year.  It looks a little self-absorbed and maybe it is.  But really, it's a thank you for all the support he shows me, especially this year.  My honeybaby knocks himself out for me.  Sometimes it takes my breath away.

And this is what he gave me.

The scallop shell is the emblem of St. James and the mark pilgrims wear on the St. James Trail.  And so my supportive, thoughtful husband tracked down these earrings.  He calls them my first piece of technical equipment.  And I call them that, too.  They are my anchor.  The shells tie me to St. James, but the earrings tie me to home.

Thank you, Bud.

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